Suffering bad skin and excessive hair loss

  • Name: Jules
  • Age: Early 30s
  • Gender: Female

Background & Problem

Following recovery from COVID-19 and a course of antibiotics, case study 4 experienced persistent gut issues for approximately 4 months. Despite multiple GP visits, blood tests, and sensitivity tests all coming back with normal results, the individual continued to suffer from gastrointestinal problems, skin issues, and excessive hair loss. 

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 11 stated they went on numerous trips to my GP for blood tests and sensitivity tests. All tests came back normal, and the doctor advised the individual to see a dietician. 
  • They had tried dietary changes but had already consumed a healthy, clean diet. 
  • Low FODMAP helped manage bloating while strictly adhering to it, but upon reintroduction of foods, bloating and pain returned within a few days. 


  • Case study 11 reported that after trying the FixBIOME gut system, they noticed a massive improvement in energy levels, skin, and hair.  
  • After the FixBIOME gut system, the individual feels 80% back to normal. 
  • They continued, and after completing the whole course duration right for their level of severity (16 weeks), they could go out and eat whatever they wanted without worrying about the adverse effects.
  • They continue to take a lower dose daily (once a day, going down from 3 to support the daily movement of their gut). They have not faced a return in symptoms. 
  • Case study 11 reported they experienced die-off symptoms for approximately 2 ½ weeks and had sick days. 
    • Post the "die-off" phase, they noticed a significant improvement in energy levels and overall well-being.


    Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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