Irregular stools, chronic bloating and food sensitivies

  • Name: Jacob
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Male
Irregular stools, chronic bloating and food sensitivies

Background & Problem

Case study 16 had long struggled with severe gut health issues, including chronic bloating, irregular stools and food sensitivities. 

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 16 reported that they have tried using various probiotics, antacids, and digestive aids.
  • Case study 16 tried increasing water and fibre intake in hopes of alleviating digestive discomfort.
  • The individual has sought advice from healthcare professionals and was diagnosed with IBS. 
  • They tried probiotics and found this worsened symptoms 



  • Case study 16 reported they noticed significant improvements after three weeks of using the FixBIOME gut system alongside lifestyle changes. They have seen improvement with bloating and now report having regular firm stools.
  • Case study 16 reported feeling revitalised, losing weight, and regaining physical strength.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.